In Built Function in T-SQL - Reverse

Reverse - Returns the reverse of a character expression.
REVERSE( character_expression )

For Eg.

Select CompanyName,

Reverse(CompanyName) As ReverseName,

Reverse(Left(CompanyName,5)) As ReverseFirst5Char,

Reverse (Right (CompanyName,5)) As ReverseLast5Char

From Customers


In Built Funtion in T-SQL - Left and Right

Left - Returns the left part of a character string with the specified number of characters.
LEFT( character_expression , integer_expression )

Right - Returns the Right part of a character string with the specified number of characters.
RIGHT( character_expression , integer_expression )

For Eg.

Select  CompanyName,

Left(CompanyName,5) As [Left],

Right(CompanyName,5) As [Right]

From Customers


In Built Function in T-SQL - Upper and Lower

Upper - Returns a character expression with lowercase character data converted to uppercase.
Lower  -   Returns a character expression after converting uppercase character data to lowercase

For Eg.

Select CompanyName,
Lower(CompanyName) As LoweCase,
Upper(CompanyName) As UpperCase,

From Customers
